ECM Interns 2018


More examples of where students did their internships: Intern 3.  At a public sector cooperation for sustainable transport, Greener Trondheim, as well as in the general climate strategy of Trondheim municipality. What is your task?: Working closely with a group of travel advisors – “My internship is very open, and I am building my own… Continue reading ECM Interns 2018

Welcoming weeks 2018


I signed up last year to help out and welcome new students during the first weeks. Last Saturday, I attended a first short meeting about the welcoming weeks and planned activities we could help out with. Activities are organized by the Student Union ( Ultuna StudentkÃ¥r ) and the Masters Committee. Activities and events are… Continue reading Welcoming weeks 2018

Lovely Déjà vu


Sunny as it was, coming back to Uppsala for the second year felt like a “Déjà vu”, a term which is used for when someone experiences that they’ve lived something before, although they haven’t. I suppose I pictured Uppsala in my head like a distant and dream-place during summer. So now, repeating the way to… Continue reading Lovely Déjà vu