The last weeks!!! :O


It is time to… Home Exammmssss!! Yeah, not just one, but two! YEYYY :’D. The weather is being fantastic these days, tempting all of us to avoid our computers and visit the lake for a swim. A short swim, I suppose, because water must be freezing. Still, it is very tempting. Home exams are good anyways…… Continue reading The last weeks!!! :O

Reflecting on EC projects


The process of carrying out our new project is quite similar from the ones we did before, which makes the process smooth and organized because we all know that we need to contact interviewees in advance, coordinate with other groups, book a meeting time, carry out the interview and then analyze their answers to our… Continue reading Reflecting on EC projects

Visiting Biotopia


Yesterday we went to Biotopia, an educational center focused on raising interest for species and promoting visits to nature areas in the region. The place is quite well located within the city, and they were open to the general public, school visits and… us! What I take with me from the visit is seeing the… Continue reading Visiting Biotopia

What’s a communication strategy?


After spending time with the reading group preparing a presentation for the class on  “Community-based social marketing” (Mckenzie, 2009), presenting a synthesis of the main messages and attending to the other group presentations on different strategies, I could say that my knowledge has expanded quite a lot. There are communication strategies suitable for different purposes,… Continue reading What’s a communication strategy?



Since the beginning of the semester we all have been looking forward to Valborg, the last day of April which represents the beginning of the spring. Many people have visited Uppsala these last few days, and gathered by the river to watch uniquely decorated boats and crew sailing down the river, sometimes even sinking!  To… Continue reading Valborg