The fourth course is already here!

We just started a new course: Communication Theory and Strategy. The main course book is: Craig, R. T. & Muller, H. L. 2007. Theorizing Communication: Readings Across Traditions. Sage Publications. This book goes through communication traditions, and each chapter covers one.

The course aims to introduce classical communication theories, such as the rethorical tradition, and to raise awareness on how communication affect us consciously and unconsciously. These theories may be used as models to design a communication situation, to analyze practice (what you are doing) and to inform practice. The purpose would be to change a component for improvig a situation, and  using theories to achieve what you have thought about.

There is a planned lecture and seminar for each of these traditions, and students are divided in discussion groups in order to cover all the material, exchange summaries and send questions to the lecturers before the seminar. Also, there will be presentations and a final assigment.

If any questions, just comment below! (it will not be directly published)



1 comment

  1. Hi Ana !

    I’ve been reading your blog for a little while as I was hoping to get in the masters degree, and I did !

    I was just wondering if you know how long ago did that masters degree start and if there is any reviews of old students anywhere? I have to chose between 2 masters degree and I am quite lost.

    If you have any advice about what this course brings or anything objective I’d be extremely grateful.

    Thank you so much in advance,


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