Exploring Gotland


When the ferry dropped us at the harbor, the picture of Gotland as summer destination took the form of a snowy charming town. Some classmates were already waiting to drive us to the cabins, but most of us walked through the town for a while and enjoyed the views. After settling in, we had a common meeting, had dinner and… Continue reading Exploring Gotland

Working on the project outline


This week all groups had to figure out how to approach the project work. We started out considering the actors that may be involved or impacted somehow in the chosen topic, such as water scarcity in our case. Lecturers were available for consultations and we visited their office a few times last week, although they… Continue reading Working on the project outline

Getting ready for Gotland!


From the 26th of February to 2rd of March the whole class will be travel to the island Gotland in order to conduct a project field work.  The research project is independently designed by us, which is cool, although we will be supervised in the process through consultation meetings. The aim of the field trip is… Continue reading Getting ready for Gotland!

Fettisdagen (The Fat Tuesday)


The 13th of February is known as Fettisdagen (The Fat Tuesday) here in Sweden. Apparently, Fettisdagen is when people usually eat a “Semla”, quite a big bun full of cream which honors its day’s name.    All bakeries had some Semlas at the storefront!        It reminded me a bit to “The pancake day” in England to… Continue reading Fettisdagen (The Fat Tuesday)

A unique way of starting a lecture


Today I will share with you the 40 min of “No lecture” we experienced the other day. “Yes!” right?… No, not really. It was confusing! There was just one piece of paper on each table with “instructions for studies of group relations”. The instructions explained first that there were boundaries between the social system and… Continue reading A unique way of starting a lecture