Facilitators and power


Today the lecture was about how power is framed in planning theory, and the different strategies that facilitators may take, such as Authentic dialogue, Agonism, Radical Action and Instrumental rationalism. In order to explore the different strategies we did and exercise and we looked at interviews of facilitators. The session concluded with points such as… Continue reading Facilitators and power

Role play! Experiencing conflict


Today the lecturer handed out the instructions of an exercise. The instructions included the conflict case background and the description of actors and their roles in the case, such as several landowners, two members of the CAB, and a member of a Conservation Society. The aim of the exercise was to experience the feelings and… Continue reading Role play! Experiencing conflict

Conflict management


Today we went through practical examples at the international, national and local level in which conflict appeared. The lecture focused on what you need to know about the situation, the possibilities that you can do something or not, and how to investigate this. CASE 1. Oil extraction case in Niger Delta. One point made in… Continue reading Conflict management

Starting a new course: Conflict, democracy and facilitation


This week we started new lectures about how conflict can be defined, and more importantly, how communication influences its development. The first lecture started off with the class commenting and analyzing an email conversation regarding a request to delete certain files from a database, which seemed less tricked than it actually was! Together we discussed… Continue reading Starting a new course: Conflict, democracy and facilitation

Stakeholders Workshop


Now that we are back in Uppsala, it is time to prepare the stakeholders’ workshop. The group I belong to is the facilitation group, thus we had to set a schedule, organize and lead activities, such as presentations, discussions, games, and interviews. I facilitated a discussion about “How to deal with different priorities, information and… Continue reading Stakeholders Workshop