New years eve


Tonight we say goodbye to 2017 and welcome 2018 with open arms. From this year till the next one, several things will remain. For sure, the home exam still unfinshed. But also some other things, such as learning how to walk on the snow not looking like a pinguin, saying skål when having a beer, enjoying the… Continue reading New years eve

Slowly but surely


Going back home for holidays is great. Having to work on the home exam due on the 4th of January, not that much! However, slowly but surely, I am moving forwards. The amount of words we have to reach is around 2.600, although that figure was just included in the instructions as a guidance and… Continue reading Slowly but surely

Christmas break


During Christmas, my classmates and I must write the home exam. We will explore questions such as how collaboration, participation and learning processes occur during the development of the Green Infrastructure plans. Just before heading back home, all groups presented their final results from the project in a seminar. Most of the groups applied Discourse… Continue reading Christmas break

Meeting second year students!


Some of my classmates organized a fika on Friday to say goodbye to each others before the christmas break in a very sweet way! We all gathered in a booked room located in Ulls Hus and had coffe, talked with lecturers, and later on played games such as Warewolf (I got to be a warewolf… Continue reading Meeting second year students!

Working on the group project


Hey there! The last two weeks have been very tough, but we are done with the Discourse Analisys of the interview material. The experience of working with my group have been enjoyable overall. We travelled to Stockholm a few times and interviewed people working in govermental administrations! Even though we were seven in the group and… Continue reading Working on the group project

New blogger!


Hey there! It is Ana, the new blogger for Environmental Communication and Management master! I am glad to be the substitute of Sebastian, and having the opportunity of writing this blog. I believe that reading a master student’ first-hand experience is very valuable and helps you to make up your mind. In fact, I read… Continue reading New blogger!