The second course


I just realised that I have not even written anything about the current course we are taking: Field course in collaboration and learning in natural resource management (yes that’s the whole title, I didn’t shorten it).  This is the second course in the syllabus, after the introduction to EC. It is based around a research… Continue reading The second course

Where’s the environment stuff?


I’ve picked up by word of mouth that a number of people in our course feel that there is not much environment stuff in our syllabus. We’re here to learn about the environment, right? How can we become good at environmental communication without knowing about the environment? This is something you should know about, if… Continue reading Where’s the environment stuff?

Back to communication


I just realised that the post I wrote a moment ago was rather personal and had very little to do with environmental communication or university life. Of course, the growth-focused mindset is relevant to university studies as much as any occupation or phase of life.  And, in a way, students tend to be in a… Continue reading Back to communication



I apologise for the brief hiatus in my blogging. The current course has experienced some difficulties, as an unexpected tragedy struck the head of the course, and several stand-ins and schedule changes had to be organised. This is chaotic for all involved, and we students are probably the least affected. Still, it has been difficult… Continue reading Chaos…

Returning to humour


One of my very first posts was a gamble. I posted a short text on humour with a video of one of the most offensive comedians I know, on a site where I know I am to be the representative of a high-level academic program, addressing one of the most globally significant challenges the future… Continue reading Returning to humour