A few words on the climate


To the non-Scandinavian students who are curious of what it is like to study and live in Sweden, I thought I’d drop you a quick message about winter. It is indeed coming, and we are beginning to feel the brunt of the cold weather and short daylight hours. Among the people from warmer countries I’ve… Continue reading A few words on the climate

At the end of the beginning


We just had a course evaluation session for this introductory course/module to environmental communication, and it left me in a particular mood. I think elated is the word I’m looking for. This first module has been a sheer joy (barring a workshop on academic writing and some literature that I’d rather kick a brick than… Continue reading At the end of the beginning

Breakfast With a Profound Article


Reading up on articles for my home exam, due in a week, I came across “Lunch With a Turtle Poacher“, a surprisingly moving article that relates a story of Gordo, a turtle poacher that converted into a key helper in conservation efforts for the same turtles. It contained for me not only tough insights into… Continue reading Breakfast With a Profound Article



To all of us out there looking for that perfect job, house, hobby, relationship… or masters course 😉

Being a loudmouth


I was always the quiet student. I nearly wrote quiet child. That would have been a lie. As a baby, I drove my mother to the brink of insanity with my endless screaming and crying. Then I quieted down. A lot. In school and in early social situations, I was always the silent observer, in… Continue reading Being a loudmouth

Group facilitations


This week was all about performing our facilitation sessions that we had been preparing. Three discussions in class were facilitated, each with a different group focusing on a different theoretical frame, as presented during the previous week. There was a consensus-seeking frame on a discussion about public transport in Uppsala, and what could be done… Continue reading Group facilitations

Your thoughts?


I want this blog to be more than just my personal recap and reflections of this course week by week, with the odd video that ties in with it. I am up to my neck in extracurricular projects and work, which is great, as I like to swim, but it does take some time and… Continue reading Your thoughts?

Week 6: Facilitation


A big chunk of environmental communication work involves facilitating meetings around environmental questions. Facilitation in this context is similar to moderating a meeting — making sure it’s on track and in good conditions, basically. Of course, what that means is in the end highly subjective and liable to depend on the facilitator(s). (For better or… Continue reading Week 6: Facilitation