Student work comparing insects and soy as food source


A part of our work is communicating with students that are on different levels in school. Many young people are interested in insects as a potential food source and have lots of interesting questions and ideas. Its great to see their energy and drive! This report is from 6 students at Globala Gymnasiet (a highschool) in Stockholm, Sweden that that did a study where they compared insects and soy as human food. The work is based on literature, interviews and questionnaires, is in Swedish with an english abstract. GyA- Framtidens proteinkälla Ylva Palmgren Na14a.pdf

New co-worker!


Nu har Merko Vaga börjat arbetet som Post Doc i projektet! Merko skall i första hand arbeta med de studier som rör utfodring, vattenbehov och uppfödningssystemet.

Post Doc Merko Vaga has now joined the project! Merko will work mainly with the studies on feeding, water requirements and housing of the crickets.

Our PhD student


Phalla, our PhD student has been here for two months now and we are about to submit a new manuscript about field crickets as a nutrient source!

Phalla, vår doktorand från Kambodja har varit här i två månader nu och vi bland annat arbetat med ett manuskript om fältsyrsans näringsvärde!

Examensarbete kopplat till projektet!


Veterinärstudent Gabriella Håkansson arbetar just nu med sitt examensarbete som handlar om fältsyrsors näringsinnehåll och om det skiljer om man skalar dem eller inte. Preliminära resultaten ser spännande ut och vi får säkert all anledning att återkomma!

2 abstracts accepted


Den här veckan har vi fått besked om att vi fått två abstrakt accepterade till den största djuruppfödningskonferensen i Europa (EAAP, i Estland 2017). Rubrikerna är:

1) Amino acid contents of field crickets fed chicken feed, cassava tops and a weed and

2) Growth of reared Cambodian field crickets (Teleogryllus testaceus) fed weeds, agricultural and food industry by-products

This week we have got 2 abstracts accepted for the biggest European conference on animal production (EAAP, in Estonia 2017). The abstracts are entitled:

1) Amino acid contents of field crickets fed chicken feed, cassava tops and a weed and

2) Growth of reared Cambodian field crickets (Teleogryllus testaceus) fed weeds, agricultural and food industry by-products

Upcoming talks from our research at the EAAP annual meeting 2017


We’ll be going to the EAAP annual meeting in Tallinn, Estonia in the end of August and present talks from our research.

One will be on ‘Key components for a sustainable entomophagy industry’ and in the session “Safety, regulatory, environmental issues and consumer acceptance of insects” 31/8 in the morning.

If you are going and interested in meeting up – let us know!

New Post Doc in short!


The time is now due for the Post Doc application.  We  will announce our new co-worker within a short time!