Publication from SLU on the risk profile


We have just recently published a paper in EFSA Journal (vol 16, 2018) entitled: “Novel foods: a risk profile for the house cricket (Acheta domesticus)”

Famous chef in our research project present cricket dishes at “Foodology day” in Stockholm


Today we participate in the annual (“Foodology day”) in central Stockholm Matologidag This is a large event open for all, where research and knowledge about food is presented. We have one of Swedens most famous chefs Paul Svensson that have made dishes from our crickets. Come and see us, check out our research and those dishes!

Here you find us!

New MSc thesis on insects as feed & land winnings


Douglas Hunter has recently defended his MSc thesis Feeding the 45 million:
Substituting soybean protein with insect protein within EU poultry & egg production
at the Department of Ecology, SLU. His thesis shows that there is a possibility of massive land winnings with a substitution from soybean meal to insects reared on food bi-products in the poultry industry. Such change in feed could reduce the existing land-convertion pressure on forests to become agricultural land around the globe.

Master project on perceptions and ethical reflections


We are looking for a master student that would like to work within the topic: Swedish consumers’ perception and ethical reflection regarding insects as food. Contact supervisor Helena Röcklinsberg (

Swedish consumers’ perception and ethical reflection regarding insects as food

Supervisor: Helena Röcklinsberg (Project leader: Anna Jansson, AFB)

Insects are consumed in many parts of the world, but are rather part of a new cuisine in Sweden and northern Europe. In contrast to many European countries it is not allowed to produce food based on insects in Sweden. However, legal changes may lie ahead and within the Formas project “Eating crickets – an appetizing solution for today’s global problems” we are interested in investigating Swedish consumers’ ethical arguments regarding consumption of traditional livestock vs insects and attitudes to the use of livestock to provide ecosystem services. We envisage an interview study focussing on the following issues: How is eating insects perceived among Swedish consumers? Do they perceive a difference between eating insects as an ingredient (in e.g. a protein bar) or the whole insect ( a grilled snack)? What do meat eaters, vegetarians and vegans think respectively about eating insects? What arguments beyond taste and yack factor are used in approving or disapproving of farming insects for food – are informants referring to sustainability, biodiversity, climate or animal welfare? Are the same or other arguments used with regard to eating meat from ruminants, pigs and poultry?

Method: interviews with citizens/consumers, followed by a content analysis and ethical elaboration.

Time frame: Spring semester 2019 (earlier or later after agreement with supervisor)

First Swedish PhD in crickets as food and feed


We are so happy to announce that Phalla Miech successfully defended his Thesis (May 2018) entitled: Cricket farming –  an alternative for producing food and feed in Cambodia. The Thesis can be found at this link:

New Post Doc to the group


We wish our new Post Doc Laura Riggi welcome! Laura has a background in research on insect biodiversity in production landscapes and will start to work with us in the beginning of September. She will work with questions on how we can enhance our landscapes to increase biodiversity and at the same time grow feed for food-insects. Interesting studies ahead!

New Post Doc position open!


Do you have the right qualifications and are interested in research within this field? Have a read about the 2-year Post Doc position open in our group.