Student work comparing insects and soy as food source


A part of our work is communicating with students that are on different levels in school. Many young people are interested in insects as a potential food source and have lots of interesting questions and ideas. Its great to see their energy and drive! This report is from 6 students at Globala Gymnasiet (a highschool) in Stockholm, Sweden that that did a study where they compared insects and soy as human food. The work is based on literature, interviews and questionnaires, is in Swedish with an english abstract. GyA- Framtidens proteinkälla Ylva Palmgren Na14a.pdf

Upcoming talks from our research at the EAAP annual meeting 2017


We’ll be going to the EAAP annual meeting in Tallinn, Estonia in the end of August and present talks from our research.

One will be on ‘Key components for a sustainable entomophagy industry’ and in the session “Safety, regulatory, environmental issues and consumer acceptance of insects” 31/8 in the morning.

If you are going and interested in meeting up – let us know!