Final Update


Hello everybody! As you might have already guessed by the title, this is my final post. Summer vacations are approaching, so it is time for me and other SLU bloggers to take some time off. Some of us are coming back, others aren’t. I am not sure myself if I’m going to keep blogging next… Continue reading Final Update

New Course in Animal Genetics


A quick update regarding the last course of my first year as a masters student at SLU! Following the current trend of picking all genetic-related courses in the programme, I decided to take the Animal Genetics: health, behaviour, and welfare course. As the name indicates, this course mixes up several topics that were taken separately… Continue reading New Course in Animal Genetics

Vacations at SLU


Wondering if you will have enough vacation days to visit your loved ones abroad during the Christmas holidays? Missing your dear ones while studying abroad is extremely common, especially during Christmas time, so it is not strange for foreign students to consider going back home during the winter holidays. But of course, there is a… Continue reading Vacations at SLU

My first test in Sweden


Last Monday I had my very first test in Sweden! It was nerve-wrecking because I didn’t know what to expect! Plus, it was my first test in English so that kicked it up another notch. Now with all the stress gone, I thought it could be interesting for you to know a bit about the… Continue reading My first test in Sweden