Vacations at SLU

Wondering if you will have enough vacation days to visit your loved ones abroad during the Christmas holidays?

Missing your dear ones while studying abroad is extremely common, especially during Christmas time, so it is not strange for foreign students to consider going back home during the winter holidays. But of course, there is a small problem: is there enough vacation time?

If you go and look up the winter vacation dates at the SLU’s homepage or your masters program’s page, you can become very disappointed. For example, this year’s winter holidays were supposed to be from the 24th, till the 27th – not time enough for traveling abroad.

However, I have some good news! The amount of actual free time you’ll have as a masters student will depend greatly on the course you are taking during that period. In my case, the Genome Analysis course that I am currently taking will stop the compulsory activities on the 20th of December and resuming activities on the 9th of January. Of course, since most of these days are not official vacation days, I am required to study from home, finish my final project and answer a home exam, but still it gives time enough to travel back home.

So, don’t let some official vacation dates discourage you, and try checking your course’s schedule first before giving up on seeing your family for Christmas!

NOTE: One thing you have to take into account is that the schedule for each course is released one week before the start of the course, which means that your amount of vacation time will be revealed until October.
Bye bye VHC! See you after Christmas vacations!

Hope this post was somehow helpful and don’t forget to leave a comment and have a good day!


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