First task of the year: My home exam experience

The final assignment we had for the Genome Analysis course was a home exam. Of course, because of the nature of this type of test —opportunity to look for information online, our textbook, and to consult with our classmates— the questions were a little bit more elaborated, and it was required for us to really understand the topics we saw during the course to give an answer with proper arguments.

Just like during our first test, we were given a code that we needed to put on each page of the test instead of our name so the test would be completely anonymous for the person in charge of grading it.

If I have to be completely sincere, the experience was nerve wrecking, but at the same time very interesting. I’ve been used to do in classroom tests my whole life, which means that most of the time I focused on learning definitions, techniques, formulas, theories, etc. But this change of approach was refreshing and above everything else, challenging. Also, I think it helped a lot to build some teamwork among classmates; cheering and helping each other to reach the same goal.

Overall, I think this kind of exam was a nice way to test our knowledge and our capacity to come up with new solutions to problems. However, I wish we would have had more time for solving it. Having a test during the Christmas holidays is the worst thing ever, no concentration at all!!

Home exam mode plus cute kitty

With this I say goodbye for now. Don’t forget to leave a comment and have a nice day!


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