Quick note: application for the spring period courses

After receiving the good news that you’ve been accepted into the master’s program, you probably think that that’s the last time you are going to have mingle with the University Admissions system. Actually, though, that’s not quite so.

Even if you have been accepted to the program itself, you will still need to apply for the courses you wish to take. There is some information regarding this matter here, but I thought that I would try to explain things from an Animal Science master student’s point of view.

First of all, you need to learn the difference between these two words: admission, and registration.

Admission is when you apply for a course through University Admissions, you submit the required documentation if needed, and you are required to accept or decline your offering if you get admitted. It works pretty much like when you apply for the master’s program itself.

Registration is done after you get admitted to a course. Registration can either be done by you through your SLU student account, or via the service center. The registration period usually starts one week before the course starts.

After understanding these concepts then we are ready to proceed!

For the first term, the autumn term (September-January), you don’t need to worry about applying for admission to courses, your whole program admission will be enough. The registration for your first course, “Animal Science a Scientific Approach,” would be done during the first day of classes by the program director. The same day you will also be able to write down the name of the next course you wish to take on a list provided by the director; currently you may choose between Genome Analysis, Animal Welfare and Behavior, and Nutritional Physiology. Registration for this second course takes place one week before the course starts, and you will be able to do it through your student account.

Now, for the next spring term (January-June), you need to pay attention to the deadlines. These important dates are posted either on the main page of the student’s web, or on University Admissions. That or your classmates will make sure to tell you, I am sure!

Once the period of admission has started, you need to log in into your University Admissions account (the same you used when you applied for the master program) and look for the courses that you are interested in taking for the spring term. Make sure to apply for course for both the first and second period. For example, you can apply for Animal Production for the first period, and Feed Science and Forage Production for the second period.

Here is the distribution of the courses for the Animal Science master’s program so you get an idea.

Courses of the Animal Science masters program

After applying for the courses, you just need to wait until you get admitted. Make sure to reply to your offer and state if you wish to take the course you’ve gotten admitted to or if you want to decline, so somebody else can take that place.

Now is time to wait for the course registration period, and register yourself through your student account. Once you registered you are set and now can continue your studies!

Hope this somewhat helpful! My classmates and I were quite lost our first time around, so I thought that if a post like this would have existed I would have had at least a north and have saved myself some hours of sleep.

Happy reading and have a nice day!


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