Halloween spirit reaching the Swedish super markets


After my latest couple of more serious-toned blogs I decided to finish the month on a lighter note! Yesterday when I was grocery shopping at my local ICA (supermarket chain) I stumbled upon the cutest Halloween-themed packages ever. Who knew that vegetables could be this adorable?! Beet-red Dracula hearts (Draculahjärtan – beets) Starchy troll noses… Continue reading Halloween spirit reaching the Swedish super markets

Kanelbullens dag


Hej hej! Here I come with another small post about one of Sweden’s most important days. Am I talking about the King’s birthday? Midsummer? Or perhaps Christmas? Nay!!!! I’m of course talking about The Cinnamon Bun Day — better known as Kanelbullens Dag! No, it is not a joke! Unlike other national food days from… Continue reading Kanelbullens dag

Visit to Lövsta


Lövsta is a livestock research center linked to SLU where a considerable amount of livestock-related research projects have been developed. This facility counts with an area dedicated to dairy cows, another for pigs and a third one for poultry. If you are starting your studies at SLU with something animal related, then there is a… Continue reading Visit to Lövsta

What is Fika?


Hej hej! And welcome to my Fika Series! If you are planning on coming over to Sweden, there are a few words you should know beforehand: tack (thank you), lagom (enough), personnummer (personal number), and perhaps most importantly, FIKA. But what exactly is Fika? Well, Fika is a Swedish social ritual that involves drinking a… Continue reading What is Fika?



Feeling homesick? Well, maybe you can find a little piece of your home country during Kulturnatten! Kulturnatten is an annual celebration hosted every September in Uppsala, and as you might have guessed, the name means “culture night.” This festival is filled with music, exhibitions, dance shows, food from different parts of the world, and other… Continue reading Kulturnatten!