
Feeling homesick? Well, maybe you can find a little piece of your home country during Kulturnatten!

Kulturnatten is an annual celebration hosted every September in Uppsala, and as you might have guessed, the name means “culture night.” This festival is filled with music, exhibitions, dance shows, food from different parts of the world, and other events. Click here if you want to read more about this event.

Here are some pictures of the events I went to during this year’s Kulturnatt. I hope you like them and that they inspire you to go out and enjoy it next year!

The Kyudo (弓道) club in Uppsala called Issha did a beautiful demonstration at Uppsala’s trädgården.

Issha Kyudo Club demonstration

Besides kyudo, other budo (武道) demonstrations were taking place at trädgården, like akido, karate, naginata, and kendo.

Kendo match at Uppsala’s trädgården.

At Linnaean Garden they had other activities like Bolivian music and a taiko (Japanese percussion).

Bolivian music at Linnaean Garden.
Taiko performance! They make you feel like you are in a Japanese festival.

Despite the rain, Stora Torget was completely full of people dancing and looking at street performers.

Chinese martial arts performance in Stora Torget.
Bollywood dancers posing before starting their dance.

As for food, I finally found real-deal Mexican food! Which is an extremely difficult thing to do because Swedes seem to prefer the tex-mex style.

Real Mexican tacos! Thank you Heta Köket for existing!

Hope you liked this post! I guessed that after that really long “First weeks at SLU” series  it was necessary to do something more light hearted.

Make sure to leave a comment! And tell me if there is any interesting topic you would like me to write about in the future.

Have a lovely day!



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