Fettisdagen equals Semla


Fettisdagen, also known as Fat Tuesday, is the Swedish name given to the day preceding Ashes Wednesday. This day is the equivalent of Pancake Day or Carnival, and according to tradition, this is the last day that people is allowed to eat delicious food and have crazy fun before starting Lenten fast. Although most of… Continue reading Fettisdagen equals Semla

Lussekatt: the flavor of Swedish holidays


Lussekatt, the most Christmasy pastry in Sweden! In Sweden, there are several signs that will indicate that the winter holiday season is coming closer; Christmas lights everywhere, tomte, julmust, and of course, in the fika department, the lussekatt. The lussekatt, which can be directly translated to “Lucia’s cat”, is a rich, fragrant, s-shaped, yellow bun… Continue reading Lussekatt: the flavor of Swedish holidays

Kanelbullens dag


Hej hej! Here I come with another small post about one of Sweden’s most important days. Am I talking about the King’s birthday? Midsummer? Or perhaps Christmas? Nay!!!! I’m of course talking about The Cinnamon Bun Day — better known as Kanelbullens Dag! No, it is not a joke! Unlike other national food days from… Continue reading Kanelbullens dag

What is Fika?


Hej hej! And welcome to my Fika Series! If you are planning on coming over to Sweden, there are a few words you should know beforehand: tack (thank you), lagom (enough), personnummer (personal number), and perhaps most importantly, FIKA. But what exactly is Fika? Well, Fika is a Swedish social ritual that involves drinking a… Continue reading What is Fika?