Quick update: The Majestic White Moose of Sweden part 2


As promised in the last post in this series, I come back with a quick update of the results of our final project for the Genome Analysis course.

As I mentioned before, we tested the candidate genes MITF and ASIP with the hopes of finding a mutation that could be linked with the white coat phenotype in the Swedish white moose. Since the lab work, sequencing, and analysis of results takes some time, the workload was divided between the students. In my, and my teammate’s case, we worked with the first and second exon of the MITF gene.

Unfortunately, both exons seemed to be highly conserved, and no mutation was detected. On the other hand, all the experiences and knowledge we obtained during this project are extremely valuable, and I believe that we couldn’t have had a better topic to work with.

The majestic white moose of Sweden. Hvit älg by Lasse Dybdahl (CC-BY-SA-4.0)

Note: Just in case you are interested, the primers we used were designed based on the white-tailed deer reference genome, and a BigDye kit and Sanger sequencer were used for the sequencing procedure.

Please don’t forget to leave a comment and I wish you have a nice day!


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