Lussekatt: the flavor of Swedish holidays

Lussekatt, the most Christmasy pastry in Sweden!

In Sweden, there are several signs that will indicate that the winter holiday season is coming closer; Christmas lights everywhere, tomte, julmust, and of course, in the fika department, the lussekatt.

The lussekatt, which can be directly translated to “Lucia’s cat”, is a rich, fragrant, s-shaped, yellow bun that has been spiced with saffron and decorated with a couple of raisins. I believe this is one of my favorite Swedish buns, not overly-sweet but still sweet enough to satisfy your sweet tooth.

This bun is heavily associated with St. Lucia’s day, celebrated on December 13th, but it can also be enjoyed through all advent season, and it is also a popular accompaniment for fika during Christmas.

Lussekat at the amigo store at SLU

My personal recommendation is that, if you buy lussekatt that are not freshly baked, and thus are cold and hard, just put them into the microwave for a few seconds and they will regain their softness and will become extra delicious!

If you are coming or are already residing in Sweden, please, don’t lose the opportunity to try this delicious bun with a cup of coffee.

Hope you liked this small pre-holiday post and don’t forget to leave a comment!


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