Studying Animal Science at SLU Part 2

Hej hej!

I am back with the second part of my “Studying Animal Science at SLU” post. If you want to read the first part please click here.

First course! Animal Science – a scientific approach

The very first course everybody takes as an Animal Science master student is called “Animal Science – a scientific approach”. You can consider this as an introductory course to the program, where you are able to get more information about the different lines of study, and the projects that are currently being carried out at SLU. This course is also the perfect opportunity to get to know your classmates and make friends!

This course has a very interesting dynamic, something I wasn’t used to back in Mexico, where most of my courses were more “traditional”: you had to sit quietly listening to the teacher’s lecture and then, after a certain period of time you get a test to prove that you’ve gained the knowledge that you were supposed to. Most of the course consists of lectures and seminars with group discussions, and all of those activities have as a main goal to inspire you, get a discussion going within the group, and to learn about other people’s point of view. It is really interesting and definitely inspiring!

As for grading, a large percentage of your grade depends on a final project. There are no oral or written tests, so if you are tired of those then you’d get at least two months of “rest” before the next course starts!

I hope this information was of some use for you! Don’t forget to leave a comment and I wish you have a nice day!




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