Halloween spirit reaching the Swedish super markets


After my latest couple of more serious-toned blogs I decided to finish the month on a lighter note! Yesterday when I was grocery shopping at my local ICA (supermarket chain) I stumbled upon the cutest Halloween-themed packages ever. Who knew that vegetables could be this adorable?! Beet-red Dracula hearts (Draculahjärtan – beets) Starchy troll noses… Continue reading Halloween spirit reaching the Swedish super markets

Kanelbullens dag


Hej hej! Here I come with another small post about one of Sweden’s most important days. Am I talking about the King’s birthday? Midsummer? Or perhaps Christmas? Nay!!!! I’m of course talking about The Cinnamon Bun Day — better known as Kanelbullens Dag! No, it is not a joke! Unlike other national food days from… Continue reading Kanelbullens dag